Our Parents Are Proud

Mrs Kelechi Ihionu

Do you want the very best of quality education for your child/children?
Do you want your children to brilliantly stand out among their peers? If yes, then MORNING LILIES MONTESSORI SCHOOL is the right school for you.

Mrs Ajaegbu Eucharia

Morning lilies Montessori School is a great citadel of learning that helps its pupils to acquire knowledge and attain greater height. The school equally has a conducive learning environment, and more so skilled and supportive teachers and administrators.

Mr Agbo Charles

Morning Lilies is an answered prayer to parents like me. For morals and quality education, MLS is the best

Mr Exeamama

Morning Lilies School is actually a school with a difference. Our children get high academic standard

Mrs Ngozi Iwuorah

Morning Lilies School is a place to be, a place of transformation. Morning Lilies School bring out talents from kids, place of grace, Thank God